December 24, 2009

In Hand

You can get it here:
or ask your local record store if they carry this.

December 15, 2009

A Foggy Christmas

In 1997 -98 chemistry was 1st period on thursday mornings. I walked out with a %54 because of the Foggy Hogtown Boys. They played Wednesday nights as Crazy Strings at the Silver Dollar.

I get to sing a few tunes at their X-mas party on Friday at the Silver Dollar, 486 Spadina Ave, 9:30 PM, with special guests, Jenny Whiteley, Joey Wright and Corin Raymond and me.

Tickets $20, $15 with Food Donation, $10 with student car dan food donation. Tickets at door.

Peace on Earth,


Jay Somerset wrote an article about us and the folk tradition in this winter's issue of Maisonneuve Magazine.